Interview on the 8th Annual Annapolis Film Festival 2020
The Annapolis Film Festival is coming! Ask for some days off or call out sick, but clear your calendar for March 26-29, 2020. Today, we talk with Lee Anderson and Patti White who are the Festival Directors about what is new this year and their theme of Focus Forward! We get some inside scoop on the festival itself as well as some honest talk about what it costs to put on! Also, discussed is the creative relationship with the Fest’s Art Director, Joe Barsin and how the annual visual brand is developed. Follow this link for more back story on the “Super 8” theme.
Joe is our brand keeper … we are amazed how he always takes [our theme] to a place we had not envisioned … he is a real original artist” — Lee Anderson and Patti White
[For the part of interview on the AF Festival-theme branding with Joe Barsin, jump to time mark: 44:30]
The Annapolis Film Festival 2020 Poster - 8th Annual “Focus Forward”, Design and Illustrated by Joe Barsin