Game Developers play test new game with CAT-South's "Gaming & Sim" Students
(L to R) Rick Williams of Lan Line Games, Joe Barsin is the Gaming & Simulation Instructor at CAT-South, Elias DuBose of Cyber Hawk.
Recently, Professional Game Developers visited CAT-South to present and play test a new game they are developing for the National Cryptologic Foundation. This game will be part of the new museum opening later this year. All three developers, Rick Williams, Elias DuBose and Rob Samson-Krebs, graduated from the AACPS’s CAT and AACC’s Gaming and Simulation Programs. This is their second game for the Foundation. You can play their first game here!
(L to R) Game Developers Elias DuBose, Rob Samson-Krebs and Rick Williams present Cyber Hawk to CAT-South.
Besides the Crypologic game, they are developing The Sand Knight through their company, LAN LINE GAMES. Through this link, you can play test the game and learn more about this dynamic Maryland team.
LAN Line Games set up a booth at CAT South’s Open House to increase interest in Game Development.
Gameplay footage of the first level of The Sand Knight Demo!